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3 decades of experience supporting individuals & teams to maximise their performance & embed the required changes in staff & athlete judgement, behaviours & culture

Soccer Game in Rain

Impacting Performance at Source - Embedding Behaviours 

My individual, team & organization support has been developed over 3 decades working with diverse individuals & teams from National governing bodies, Professional & national sports teams, global businesses, British Military elite Regiments & educational organizations


I specialize in providing impactful interventions for individuals & groups committed to making positive changes to maximise performance, whether in the present or the future.


I understand that recognizing the need for change is just the first step, & I am here to support you every step of the way. It's common to be aware of existing problems or potential issues but not know how to address them effectively.


That's where I come in. I am dedicated to equipping you with the knowledge & skills needed to implement necessary solutions & interventions.​ In a world where trends & terminology rapidly change, I firmly believe that the fundamental principles of success are unwavering & timeless.


I will fully support you through the six critical stages of individual & team performance adaptation, allowing you to achieve your goals with unwavering confidence & success! Absolutely, here's the revised text to convey a more assertive tone:


"With over three decades of experience, I have honed my skills in individual, team, & organization support, working with diverse individuals & teams from national governing bodies, professional and national sports teams, global businesses, British Military elite Regiments, & educational organizations.


My speciality is delivering impactful interventions for individuals & groups fully committed to making meaningful changes to maximize performance, whether now or in the future.


Recognizing the need for change is just the first step, & I am here to support you every step of the way. It's common to be aware of existing problems or potential issues without knowing how to address them effectively. This is where I come in. I am dedicated to arming you with the knowledge & skills needed to implement the necessary solutions & interventions.


In a world where trends & terminology rapidly change, I firmly believe that the fundamental principles of success are unwavering & timeless.


I will fully support you through the six critical stages of individual & team performance adaptation, enabling you to achieve your goals with unwavering confidence & success!"​​​​​​

6 Critical Stages That Impact Performance Adaptation


Recognising an issue


Effectively communicate the required adaptation/changes


Committing long enough to embed the required change

PDS coaching in Field Hockey


Identifying solution/s


Committing with competence to the behaviours/actions necessary


Staying fluid to the required adaptations needed to maximise performance 

The 6 Stages Make Sense; Why Isn't it Common Practice?

The issues often arise through a lack of quality investment in 3 critical areas -

PDS coaching in Basketball

Developing Better Individual & Team Decision Makers

Supporting managers/coaches & teams to enhance their ability to develop individuals & teams to make effective decisions & review them live at self & as a collective combined with high match IQ. 


To build their confidence & competence to execute this unsupervised & under varied levels of pressure.


Many teams do not teach & know how to embed effective decision-making & reviewing but expect their athletes to make good judgments daily, especially in matches.


Committing to good judgement live is a game changer in coach & athlete performance!

Mark Bennett MBE developing elite sport

Enhancing Culture & Environment

Cultivate the required behaviours, empathy, engagement & sustainable 'every time' protocols to build a robust, interdependent, engaging environment to maximise the performance potential of the people within any team or organisation.


A lack of clarity in daily behaviours, combined with little to no explicit daily investment in them, can scupper culture within months.


This is very different to the pre-season chats on what culture is, & bringing them up again when results are not going as expected. Culture development must be proactive, not reactive. 

PDS coaching in Rugby

Facilitating & Embedding Change

Provide effective support, structures & principles to positively impact people ‘change’ to embed the newly acquired skills, competencies & behaviours.


In my experience over the last 30 years, lack of investment in effective change support is the biggest reason training interventions to improve behaviours & culture fail.


Change is tough, & yet organizations still invest high in training & low in change support post-training.


This is as critical for the staff as it is for the athletes. Culture isn't enhanced by 'tell'; it's cultivated by 'show' through daily behaviours over many months

It's important to understand that focusing solely on technical & tactical training won't lead to real change. While training plays a crucial part, coaches & managers must also be able to effectively influence individuals & teams to consistently make good decisions & execute them with quality & intensity in competitive environments. Otherwise, individuals & teams will always underperform. 


Even if the training provides valuable information on how to improve behaviours, learning, & performance, there's a slim chance that individuals can recall & apply the new learning & adjust their behaviours without additional support. Without such support, most people will revert to their old habits within a few weeks. 


That's why having a strong support system to guide organizations, teams, & individuals through the change process is crucial & ensures a tangible return on investment. I understand that coaches & managers significantly impact cultures, environments, & performance. My programs increase their ability to influence teams & individuals within these environments.

Watch This High-Performance Breakdown

Critical Elements That Impact High-Performance Teams

With time highlights below -

This is a comprehensive analysis of the pivotal elements that shape high-performance teams.


Main timing markers -

  • 0.00 -   Intro​

  • 1.47 -   Individual & collective capability

  • 4.47 -   Benchmarking your baseline; establishing reality

  • 7.44 -   Stages of athletes adapting live 

  • 9.52 -   What coaches often do to hinder their athletes' own development

  • 12.17 - Match environment

  • 13.17 - Practice environment

  • 14.38 - Breaking down fixed drills to full-game adaptivity

  • 22.48 - the 4 critical actions with an athlete of value

  • 24.26 - When athletes have no value to the team - outside the 4 elements

  • 26.45 - Tools to increase success

  • 29.34 - Developing decision makers - Action Review Process

  • 30.22 - Coaching caps & session types - how your support changes

  • 34.17 - Key points to maximise high-performance teams

  • 39.27 - Conclusion

Rob Watts -

PGA Golf Coach

England Mens Lead Coach,

Clients included Open Champion Darren Clark

“This Thorough and extremely valuable system has helped me to develop and understand how my clients like to learn and improve results.


I strongly recommend PDS to anyone who wants to develop as a coach and maximise the performance of the teams and athletes they work with.”

Martin Vlk -

Head of Coach Education & Methodology
Football Association of the Czech Republic

"Marks ‘Need Centred’ principles are a perfect fit for soccer to support Managers & coaches in developing adaptive interactive teams, & effective communicators for both players & the coaching staff. 
I believe the Performance Development System would have a tremendous impact on team culture & performance for any football club, & indeed any sports team."

Rob Tarr - 

Great Britain Wheelchair Rugby Coach

Tokyo Paralympic Games Champions​

​"Thanks for all your input making us better coaches. We definitely view the game differently, and giving our players the power to decision make has made their performances Gold medal standard."


This was the first gold for Great Britain in a team sport in the Paralympic Games’ sixty-one-year history!

If you’d like more information about my services, drop me an email now

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