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Here are my latest podcasts & interviews. These are a great way to better understand PDS; the coaching element & the organisational change support strategies.


These discussions provide a great insight into the 'how to' of PDS & cover context aligned to a variety of environments; from schools & grass routes sports, to elite teams & corporate organisations.

Additional free recourse pages are  -


Want to find out how to get the best out of everyone? check out my Online Coaching Excellence Fundamentals -  

Mark Bennett MBE on the sport excellence podcast

For Business & Sport

In this podcast I discuss with David Charlton from Sports Excellence the differences in commitment levels between leisure and performance athletes. How coaches can get the best out of their athletes, and parents can best support talented children.

Key discussion point -

1 - How to understand how to manage leisure & performance athletes/players of all ages

2 - How to influence the influencers in order to support a new culture

3 - Why you need to spend time to improve decision making & self-evaluation

4 - How to begin to improve your own influencing/coaching/parenting/managing

5 - Why you really can’t say that a training course or session is effective on the day; why success must be measured well after that time

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Mark Bennett MBE on the Talent equation podcast

A Great Overview Snapshot

I make a return to the Talent Equation Conclave with Stuart Armstrong to explore some of the latest innovations in my Performance Development System (PDS) approach and to take some questions from the members of the group. In this conversation I share -

1 - Some evolutions to the famous 'rule of 3' called the '3 A's'.
2 - How to enable athletes to learn to review rapidly in the moment.
3 - 12 (I think it was 12) of the many types of live review within PDS
4 - Why coaches should train for team and individual interaction.

This is a full on, high octane ride through the world of PDS. Buckle Up!!

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Mark Bennett MBE on infinite pie podcast

For Business & Sport

In this podcast I discuss with Al  Fawcett why so many organisations do not facilitate the desired changes required to impact wellness & performance; I share which key elements are missing & why they are critical.

This discussion delves into how PDS can impact business & sport -

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Mark Bennett MBE on the Gold Dust podcast

For Business & Sport

I discuss with Davis & Keith Mayer some critical elements in developing organisations, in supporting change in the influencers & the principle of 'change the coach or change the coach'.

It also includes an unplanned and unscripted live role play 1 to 1 coaching chat.

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Mark Bennett on Football DNA podcast

Football DNA podcast  - this interview was aimed more at grass roots coaches; sharing how my PDS needs centred coaching principles can help develop yourself as a coach while increasing player confidence, engagement & enjoyment in a transformational way.

In this episode we cover:

- Objectives as a coach (process v results)

- Creating an environment (inclusion philosophy)

- Player lead & centred v needs centred interpretations

- Play station coach v player driven?

- Reviewing sessions / linking learning

- How do you get players to coach themselves?

- How do you audit yourself as a coach?

- Any other advice for grass roots coaches

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Mark Bennett discussing Behaviour Change Under Pressure

A raw, open & personal interview with Mark; the experiences that influenced him from his childhood, his Military Career and the evolution of PDS

This podcast is a real insight into Mark Bennett the person as well as the coach developer and hearing how his earlier experiences have influenced and formed the development of the Performance Development System – his passion! A fascinating listen, with how to tips and through provoking ideas for parents, teachers, coaches and leaders!

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Mark Bennett MBE on the coaching network podcast

Business & Sport

The coaching network podcast - Scanning Your Impact. In this interview I share why it is so critical to develop your own self awareness & how to support change in both yourself & others. 

This interview also includes common failures within organisational change & how to prevent them.

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Mark Bennett on the box gathering podcast

Here is a live Q & A with combat sport coaches discussing the challenges within their sports and asking me to go into some detail about how the PDS needs centred coaching approach can be used to increase engagement, live decision making, more adaptive fighters, what do coaches need to be aware of when using this approach, key strategies to support change, rule of 3, hot & cold reviews. Plus much more!

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 Mark Bennett MBE on the Coaching culture podcast

JP Nurbun & Nate Sanderson are joined by Mark Bennett & Alan Keane. Mark & Alan share over 3 podcasts how to plan a session, how & why to adapt during practice & the critical process of hot & cold reviews following each session & match.

Podcast 145 Effective Practice Planning

Podcast 146 Skills And Strategies To Facilitate Your Practice

Podcast 147 Developing An Effective Reflection System

Mark Bennett MBE on the Modern Soccer Coach podcast

Gary Curneen is joined by PDS Coach and Consultant, Mark Bennett, and GB Basketball coach Alan Keane, to discuss how they have worked together to create an environment and coaching style centred around the players needs.

They discuss the following:

- What is need centred & why does it influence session planning?
- How do you deal with same players always answering the questions & talking in group huddles?
- How can a coach establish if his interventions are effective?
- Why is training players in self reviewing critical within the modern game

And much more!

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Mark Bennett on Game of champions podcast

Way Of Champions Episode 166 - The Purpose of Coaching is NOT to Fix the Next 30 Seconds: A Conversation with Mark Bennett and Alan Keane

This week on the Way of Champions Podcast, we welcome Alan Keane and Mark Bennett, both previous guests on our podcast. We dive into the purpose of coaching, how to be a “deficit detector”, and the behaviors a coach needs to help their players become problem solvers. If you have listened to episodes #31#76, or #90, then you know you are in for a treat!

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Mark Bennett on the talent equation podcast

The Talent Equation - "Moving from athlete centred coaching towards 'needs centred' coaching" - a conversation with Alan Keane & Mark Bennett 

Mark Bennett from 'Performance Development Systems' and Alan Keane, Head Coach of Under 20 GB Basketball Team make a welcome return to the show to share some of their latest thinking around coaching and coach development.

The conversation centres around why they have moved away from the term 'athlete centred' or 'player centred' coaching towards 'need centred or needs led' coaching. We explore what this means, why it is important and how it is applied.

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What Is Need Centred Coaching?

In this interview Lason Perkins from Basketball Embassy's virtual coach’s clinic interviews the creator of Performance Development Systems (PDS) Mark Bennett MBE & Great Britain basketball coach Alan Keane about all things 'Needs Centred' coaching. In this interview they share - What is Needs Centred Coaching Developing self-thinking players Why is effective coach mentoring support critical for athlete development Why this approach is not ‘softy softy’ & sits well in both grass roots and performance environments The How to of shifting both coach & athlete behaviours AND MUCH MUCH MORE!

Episode 1: How To Take Your Team To The Next Level

Episode 2: How To Run a Practice

Episode 4: Teaching Players to Coach Themselves

5 Part Series With BBallBreakdown!

Coach Nick is the host of the BBallBreakdown. He has over 750k followers on YouTube. We have teamed up with Coach Nick to record a series of 4 discussions on the PDS way of 'Needs Centred' coaching followed by a live Q&A on week 5.

I will post the episodes as they goes go live each Thursday. Here is what coach Nick said -

"Sometimes I come across a coach who completely blows me away w/ their view on the game. Mark Bennett has developed a whole new way to communicate & run your practices, & Alan Keane coaches Great Britains U20 National team using its principles."

Episode 3: How To Focus on Process, Not Outcome

Episode 5: Live Q&A

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