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I offer customized support packages that empower organizations, teams, & coaches to effectively improve engagement, teamwork, decision-making, & retention across all age groups. I'm passionate about making a meaningful impact.


Increasing Engagement - Embedding Culture

With decades of experience supporting national governing bodies, individual clubs, managers, & coaches across all age groups, I understand the challenges that grassroots & amateur sports face on a weekly basis. My support ranges from individual coaches & amateur clubs to national governing bodies.


I provide world-leading tools & strategies for coaches, teams, & organizations to maximize engagement & retention through developing people of all ages as individuals & working well in teams. Amateur sports have unique challenges that elite sports do not have to face, such as high player rotation, lack of consistency in attendance, a huge range of capability within the same teams, mixed levels of commitment, volunteer & low-wage coaches managing their own lives while attempting to make the most of the time they have with the people they coach.


Clubs & organizations can often struggle to build a coaching style that aligns with their vision & values. This is especially challenging with a wide range of age groups, not to mention parents' expectations. Most coaching courses for grassroots coaches focus on the technical & tactical elements of the game but don't arm coaches with the soft skills of coaching; how to increase engagement with all, build greater empathy with peers, cultivate confident decision-makers, embrace individual differences while developing self-confidence & ownership.

Keynote speaking
Mark Bennett MBE Coaching Coaches_edited.jpg

Training & Coaching


I design highly interactive training & coaching sessions customized to meet the specific needs of individuals & teams. I aim to enhance self-awareness & coaching skills to optimize the engagement, learning, decision-making, enjoyment, & teamwork of those being coached.

Scalable Change


My change support strategies ensure that the new behaviours learned become embedded within the people in each organization, helping to prevent the common regression back to old habits following traditional training.

Developing & Supporting Mentors

To ensure internal sustainability, we identify individuals with the right skills & opportunities to mentor staff during our interventions. I provide additional training & coaching to develop skilled in-house mentors who can enhance both individual & team performance, giving stability & scalability.

Watch This Interview Full of Useful Coaching Hacks

This interview provides a great insight into the level of support I offer to coaches, teams, & organizations across different age groups & levels. In this conversation with Kris & Harrison on the Big Breakdown, I discuss real-world strategies, principles, & coaching tips that can benefit any team at any level. You can check out the timed highlight markers below if you're short on time.​​

Main timing markers -

  • 0.26 - Learner engagement

  • 1.18 - Mark Bennett intro

  • 5.52 - Quickfire examples

  • 6.48 - The baseline game

  • 29.07 - Netball example

  • 39.48 - Developing decision-makers & reflectors with the Action Review Process

  • 43.27 - The learning phase

  • 48.19 - The role of a coach in a match

  • 48.54 - What does excellence look like

  • 1.00.26 - Transition of change

Developing Young Players to Empower Parents

Want to see the impact in action?


Here are players from one of my clients Evo Soccer in South Africa.  PDS nurtures individual growth & team success through dedicated coaching, parental involvement, & a positive environment. I focus on enhancing coaches to empower players, promoting teamwork, & addressing any obstacles to progress.


Listen to how the players are involving the parents & supporters in their journey while influencing their own behaviours before a match.

Developing Young Players to Empower Parents

Listen to young players & coaches sharing their journey of development being supported by my services.


Notice the players recognise their improvements in awareness & managing state, not relying on coaches for reminders,  supporting & accepting feedback from peers, taking more responsibility & more confidence in being able to problem solve live. 


These raw & honest testimonials will provide insight into the impact my support offers.

Written testimonials

Written Testimonials

Filmed testimonials

Recorded Testimonials

If you’d like more information about my services, drop me an email now

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